
Picking the Perfect Paint Finish

When you choose the right finish, your property is transformed with a fresh look and added protection. But if you’ve chosen the wrong finish, you’ll see the disappointing results immediately, and then you’ll have to deal with the costs of a repaint.

Not to worry though, we’ve compiled a list of the many different types of paint finish so you’ll never go wrong.

The easy choice: Durable High Gloss

This is what you need for exterior or exposed walls which require a durable, easy-to-clean finish. This paint is resistant to grease and moisture and reflects light beautifully. Don’t be tempted to use it on your interior walls, though, as it has a habit of showing off surface imperfections. It also requires quite a bit of prep work and a few coatings to maximise its value.

Pick Durable High Gloss for your doors and windows, kitchens and stairways.

The bright choice: Semi-gloss

Got a room which needs brightening? Semi-gloss is the way to go. It boasts just the right amount of gloss to look great, making it easy to clean and maintain.

Use semi-gloss in areas with high humidity and moisture such as kitchens and bathrooms. It is also a good choice for playrooms, hallways, cabinets windows and room trims.

The flawless choice: Matte/Flat

This type of finish doesn’t reflect light and so is perfect for hiding problem patches from old, bad paint jobs.

It is, however, difficult to clean and tough to remove. As such, use this for less-busy areas such as the office, ceilings, main bedroom and dining room.

Need advice?

At Pelham Painters in Hobart, we know exactly what finish works best with what you have, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need an expert guiding hand.